Saturday, 25 August 2007

Eye sizes in J & G Lines

Just for Mary; pictures of my horse with 18 mm eyes, and with 20 mm.

I shall be painting the larger eyes a brighter brown before I put them in. Of course, once the horse is gessoed and painted, the eyes will look different.

For good measure, I'm putting photos of Jackie's twin horse, and a particularly nice 1890s J & G Lines, which came from either Jane or Jan's website (sorry, forgotten which).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the comparison shots: now I can clearly see the extra 2 mm. (Notice the colon!) It is really a marked difference. Your horse is really shaping up. Did you find Jackie online, or did you already know her and her twin horse? Mary

Lexi said...

Jackie and I both are members of an eBay group, Rocking Horse Elite.

There are some really knowledgeable enthusiasts in the group who can, between them, come up with answers to almost any query.

One member is an American collector, who owns some fabulous horses - the sort of horse I can only dream of.

Unless I come across an example minus most of its body parts...