Friday, 24 August 2007

Bigger glass eyes...

Jackie Darnborough, who owns the twin to this horse, told me hers has 20mm eyes, not the 18 I'd thought looked right.

So I've enlarged the sockets, and think the bigger eyes do look better.

I have started on the neck muscles. This is rather daunting, because the top plank of the body was not original, so I have to shape that too; and there are a lot of nice curves to carve round the shoulders. And, of course, the horse has his head turned to one side like all the best rocking horses. An additional complication.

One leg is missing in this photo. Must glue it back in. Next I will attach the head and neck to the body...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would be interested in seeing a photo of the horse head with 20 mm eyes taken from the same angle/framing as the horse head with the 18 mm eyes--in the closeup photo that accompanies "Glass eyes", the eyes look just fine, and in the longer view of "Bigger glass eyes" the eyes don't appear to be any bigger--instead, they look smaller to me. I would appreciate being able to do a side-by-side comparison. If you don't mind taking requests like this, that is. Thank you--Mary